Mark a certain part with a circle

Agreed, but I prefer character map since there are different thickness circles!


Sorry for the late reply
 Thank you very much everyone. I learned something good again.


I learned how there are so many different ways to achieve a result with Shotcut.

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I have to do it with Glaxnimate. I drew a circle. I adjusted the size.

Now it’s time to follow up. ie animation.

Do we have to create a path on v1 in it? ie how to follow circle.

I couldn’t look at the glaxnimate classes
 I think this seems like a much more advanced method

My work continues

Il faudrait que @MusicalBox nous fasse un tutoriel sur l’animation du cercle avec dĂ©placement, variation du diamĂštre 

*Personnellement je ne l’utilise pas, je prĂ©fĂšre pour les figures simples utiliser le filtre “Shapes” disponible sur le site d’ @Elusien *
Bien-sĂ»r il ne fonctionne que sur les anciennes versions de SC, mais c’est trĂšs rapide d’exporter la sĂ©quence et la rĂ©importer dans la derniĂšre version de SC

It would be necessary that @MusicalBox makes us a tutorial on the animation of the circle with displacement, variation of the diameter

Personally I don’t use it, I prefer for simple figures to use the “Shapes” filter available on @Elusien’s site
Of course it works only on old versions of SC, but it’s very fast to export the sequence and import it back in the latest version of SC


I just made my first animation with Glaxnimate. I got 90% of the effect I wanted on V1. That’s very good
 the circle follows
 it comes with some work. It’s nice.


Go for it, @ertan! Good luck! :smile:

Good idea. Like I said above, I already started a short Glaxnimate tutorial about creating simple static shapes. When I get back to it, I’ll add a chapter on animating the size, the position and the color (why not?) of the shapes.

Comme je l’ai dit plus haut, j’ai dĂ©jĂ  commencĂ© un petit tutoriel sur la crĂ©ation de formes statiques simples avec Glaxnimate. C’est une bonne idĂ©e d’ajouter un chapitre sur l’animation de la taille, de la position et (pourquoi pas ?) de la couleur de ces formes.

Yes trim path. Here is one way:

I timestamped the section where he demonstrates the animation (subtitles required) but Kamigeek has a lot of other useful tutorials. @MusicalBox has also done a more thorough tutorial in English on a similar topic and it’s worth watching in its entirety, when you have a spare 10 minutes.

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Over the next few months, once I’ve finished the OpenCV Tracker that I’m working on, I’m going to have a look at getting this going again for myself as I really need it.

I added text labels to the circle to reduce ambiguity because some people might not know what’s inside the circle.

*This is just my experiment. It’s not available yet.

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I agree, this is part of the necessary improvements. In the meantime, you have to change the coordinate values manually and it’s not easy.

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