Making a pure copy

HI, new user here, have started browsing this forum, and may I say this program is by far the best I have tried on my Arch linux system, so well done :grinning:

I need to make some pure copies of some short films I made with my Gopro Hero 8, as when they are filmed upside down my TV plays them upside down, long story…

The films are recorded in 4k 29.97


I understand correctly I should use, export using the H.264 xxx (High or Main ?? not sure which is the best to use), I have checked the ‘Use Hardware encoder’, leaving it as h264_nvenc

This is very quick and the size is slightly bigger than the original, (not fussed about the time it takes or the size, I just want the best quality

Am I right in my export settings ?

Many thanks

Instead of using Shotcut and re-encoding the video you should be able to do this with ffmpeg without re-encoding, just rewriting the metadata, that way the quality of the output is identical to that of the input since the video data is identical, e.g.

ffmpeg -i invideo.mp4 -metadata:s:v rotate="180" -codec copy outvideo.mp4

Just replace the names of the input and output video files. There is always the possibility though that the video player does not recognise and obey this metadata.

If you still want to use Shotcut, just use the DEFAULT profile, change the codec quality to 67% and DO NOT use Hardware Encoding.

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Whow thanks for such a quick answer

sadly ffmpeg -i invideo.mp4 -metadata:s:v rotate=“180” -codec copy outvideo.mp4 doesn’t work, video still upside down

So I’ve tried ‘just’ the default settings with codec quality to 67% (why not at 100% ?) whichs works just fine


67% gives what is known as a “visually lossless” video. i.e. Though there is still compression, the artifacts introduced by this cannot really be distinguished by the naked eye. 100% gives no compression at all, which creates a huge file and which some video players have difficulty in playing.

Most hardware encoders, other than the most recent models, create very large files with poorer quality, as they are designed more for speed in creating videos that are to be streamed, rather than high-quality videos for later viewing.

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