Hello everyone, I recently started video editing on Windows using Shotcut based on a recommendation, and so far it’s been great to use. However I’m having great trouble exporting lossless videos. I did a little test where I imported a losslessly-encoded video into Shotcut then re-exported it using “lossless” presets, only to get lossy output, and with huge file size too… I already checked the tutorials, FAQ, and this forum. I’m sharing my findings here to know if I’m doing something wrong, and hopefully get some advice.
First off, this is my source file: https://u.teknik.io/6SrK4.mp4 [0.4 MB, lossless]
It’s a 7 seconds long recording of a screen at 60fps. Originally encoded using the ScreenPressor codec, then losslessly re-encoded to H.264 using VirtualDub, with the color space set to “same as source” (rgb), then uploaded to the link above. Take good note of the duration, and the file size…
Here are the results of a simple Shotcut export at various “lossless” presets.
lossless/H.264 10.4 MB, lossy, with minor glitches.
lossless/H.264 & codec=libx264rgb 10.1 MB, lossy, with major glitches.
lossless/FFV1 14.8 MB, lossy.
lossless/FFV1 & pix_fmt=rgb24 12.7 MB, lossy.
lossless/HuffYUV 170 MB, lossy.
lossless/Ut Video 92.9 MB, lossy.
intermediate/DNxHR HQ 139 MB, lossy.
intermediate/MPEG-2 24.8 MB, lossy.
intermediate/MPEG-4 25.1 MB, lossy.
intermediate/ProRes 422 51.3 MB, lossy.
intermediate/ProRes HQ 59.1 MB, lossy.
And here are the results of alpha presets, which produced lossless output, at ridiculous file size.
alpha/Quicktime Animation 76.4 MB, lossless.
alpha/Quicktime Anim. & pix_fmt=rgb 59.6 MB, lossless.
alpha/Ut Video 178 MB, lossless.
alpha/Ut Video & pix_fmt=gbrp 138 MB, lossless.
Visual comparison: