Looks like its for Windows XP

My SHotcut for some reason suddenly looks like its from WIndows XP, how do I fix it?

What do you want to fix?
You can choose either Fusion dark or Fusion light theme. That’s it.

I can’t believe this video has relevance for anything at all:

I had this by accident as well recently, where part of the UI would start changing to light theme. Might have been related to changing DPI settings while using Shotcut.

Use the Settings/Theme menu to switch between skins/themes. Hope this works.

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Try the Shotcut menu:

Settings > Theme > Fusion Dark

thanks for help, but yea i didn’t change any settings and it just went to light theme

So you still have the problem? Selecting another theme and then going back doesn’t help?

Clearing out app folder might help if that’s really the case:

The location of the folder is listed at: