Linux OS for a new user

Hello users,

This question may be offtopic here, but i need your kind suggestions. I am now going to reinstall an operating system in my computer.
I had Windows 10 earlier. Now I am thinking to use Linux. I have not used it before so I have a few doubts.

Will it be difficult to use and understand Linux?
Will Linux be faster than Winodows 10?

this is a good choice, but you should have duo Linux with Windows;
This is what I did, which allows me to familiarize myself with Linux before leaving Windows.
Which distribution have you chosen?
I use Mind Cinnamon and it is also fast from W10.
On the net you will find forums specific to your distribution which will help you.
courage and good mood

I think you mean Linux Mint.

Yes, it is a good Linux distro, perhaps the best.

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I personally suggest to use the Linux mint Cinnamon DE. I also switched to Linux from windows, then I look for many distro but finally got a Linux mint which is very stable and good UI. However, different people have different taste, Ubuntu, kde neon, deepin os are also best if you are a average or beginner Linux user. But these are resource hungry.
Which Linux distro to use that depends on you , what is your propose to use linux. Visit for more detail.
And one more thing, this forum is related to video editing so you better ask about video editing techniques and Shotcut related issues. Thank you.

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I can absolutely confirm Shotcut runs fantastically on GNU/Linux with very few crashes

Also, it can be fairly easily concluded that because all forms of GNU/Linux are more efficient than windows 10 that it will run more easily than on a Microsoft platform. I know in my case, my memory usage appears well down on what Windows seem to report.

There are additional advantages to running a Linux only system in that if you go beyond the basics, running some kind of Ubuntu or Linux Mint (debian-based offshoot) and start delving into the command-line, you are learning skills that will translate into real value for life. Understanding the bits behind the gloss is a lot of fun and that won’t change. It’s a bit like learning a language.

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I have a dualboot of Windows 10 and Mint 18.3 with xfce. Shotcut runs peachy under Linux; in fact thanks to Shotcut I spend more time under it.

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I have Windows 7, Windows 10, and Linux Mint 18.3 XFCE in my environment. Shotcut runs equally stable and equally fast across all three for me. Regarding Linux, I only use the AppImage version of Shotcut to preserve my sanity when it comes to package dependencies.

I find the user interface of Linux Mint to be very straight-forward, especially if you have a Windows background. It doesn’t have all the keyboard shortcuts that Windows does, so I find it faster and easier to get around in Windows for common tasks at the UI level. At the command line level, I find the two OSes to be equally strong. PowerShell on Windows is way more powerful than most people give it credit, meaning Linux is not the scripting king it once was. That isn’t to say one OS is better than the other. They’re tools, and the choice depends on the job. I’m just sharing my experience from a video editing perspective. I would share a different perspective if the job was server hosting.

Something to research in advance is your graphics card compatibility with Linux. Every card I’ve had, whether using a stock or proprietary driver, produced terrible screen tearing during video playback upon initial setup. It is very disorienting to edit video in Shotcut, play games, or watch movies with the sync issue going on. Eliminating the sync issue is a total science project that is unique per distribution and video card. Consider yourself lucky if this doesn’t happen to you. Also of note, if you want to get serious about color accuracy in Linux for video or photo work, make sure you can find your way through DisplayCAL or something similar.

If your Windows license is still valid, I personally would not throw it out yet. There are a lot of audio tools and VST plug-ins (many free) available for Windows that are a major hassle to get running under Linux, if they even work at all through WINE or a VST bridge. Linux is a long, long, long way from being on par with Windows and Mac when it comes to the audio world. Most professional clients and audio shops aren’t going to exchange files made in Audacity, Ardour, and experimental Reaper. Nor does Linux provide key tools like denoisers at the quality level of iZotope RX, in either proprietary or open source format. (You could shoe-horn it into DaVinci Resolve Fairlight, but that’s working too hard and still money out the door.) The industry support and technical foundation is simply not there yet for comfortable and productive pro audio on Linux. This is the biggest reason I do my primary creative work on Windows. (Linux can do my exports on a separate box once I’m done editing.) Aside from audio, I could use either OS and be equally productive.


I’m no fan of Windows but do use it on a regular basis for the exact reasons that @Austin mentioned in the previous post.

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Hi, I have quite a bit of experience with linux, particularly Ubuntu. Firstly, installing programs can sometimes be a bit of a hassle if you are not getting the software from the Store application. Also, with my experience, browsers on Ubuntu Linux do not support copyright protected material such as netflix or Spotify. You can get Spotify in the store but I’m not too sure about netflix. Linux is supported by many many developers so software shouldn’t be an issue. A problem I ran into though with multiple user accounts is that I can access another users data from my own account without needing to input a password. This is only if there will be more than one user account and I think there is a way around it. I personally would stick with windows a bit longer.

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This is not necessarily true of Shotcut, but I was involved with a major cross-platform project which had Windows, Mac and Linux versions. It was my casual observation that the Windows version got the most attention and TLC.

That’s not to say this is the case with Shotcut.

I recently had trouble backing up my Windows hard drives. I couldn’t figure out what the problem was. I finally traced it down to a flaky USB 3 card, of all things! Replaced the card and it’s been joy ever since.

I considered doing my video work on Linux but am kind of entrenched on Windows. In addition, I performed some of my color testing on Linux with GPick and didn’t like what I saw.

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From the you-brought-it-up-department

Audio is actually a strong point of GNU/Linux now. It’s not 2005 anymore.

If your audio card is class-compliant you will get fantastic results. And yes, if you are using VSTs and having trouble with compatibility then there is a reason for that. Linux is not windows. We have LV2 plugins, hundreds of them, most if not all free. Latency is amazing with realtime kernels a couple of clicks away. Did I mention stability? Nuff said.

Same with graphics cards. If you use any proprietary system where the vendor is unwilling to release the specifications that a programmer can read it will be reverse-engineered to the best of their ability. Most people do well with Intel implementations otherwise AMD/ATI cards are generally recommended from a couple of generations ago. That doesn’t include CPUs, CPUs are generally well supported from their release. But because of the degree corporations go to limit their products being used in a production setting you are generally required to check to see if the components are well supported before committing. It’s generally a good idea to have someone who is knowledgeable, although you will get very supportive communities online to help you with any problems you may encounter.

I really don’t get this post, user was asking for help with linux. The elephant in the room is why-oh-why would anyone recommend W10 over linux if a person has an option? No disrespect but that thought seems absolutely bonkers to me.

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Perhaps I misunderstood the OP. The sentence “Now I am thinking to use Linux” led me to believe that the OP might go either way depending on feedback from the forum. I thought the OP was asking for help with a decision, not help with Linux specifically. When it comes to choosing between Windows and Linux, I felt that audio and graphics compatibility were two areas worth researching before taking the plunge. I wasn’t trying to say Linux is bad. I was just advising the OP to know what they were getting into.

I agree with everything you said about Linux audio. I don’t think our opinions are in conflict because we’re talking about different classes of users.

I have a Scarlett 2i2 audio interface hooked to my Mint box and it runs great with zero configuration, just like you said. Admittedly, your assessment of Linux audio may hold more value to the OP than mine because an individual home user may not need all the high-end tools, and might be served by native Linux offerings just fine. At the same time, I think everything I said is still true in regards to the professional audio realm. It can be tough to compete in the pro world if one doesn’t have access to Universal Audio, Waves, iZotope, BBE, etc and can’t exchange DAW files with other shops. LV2 is okay for home users, but it’s not at the quality pumped out by companies that have spent major cash doing what they do. I would love to pay zero dollars for an open-source noise reducer, but I gladly pay for iZotope RX because the results are that much better. Even among the free plug-ins, I would still prefer the Variety of Sound VSTs over similar LV2 options, but those VSTs may or may not work on a particular Linux distribution. (And yes, I realize this is all subjective opinion.) My simple point to the OP was that if audio will be a major part of their production pipeline, Windows and Mac probably offer faster, easier, and better options than Linux in possibly every way. I didn’t say Linux can’t do a good job at all. It can. But it might take more work, and the OP should consider if that will have any impact on their workflow.

Operating systems are tools, not ideals to be protected and defended against opposition. Sometimes one OS is better for a specific job than another. I like Linux, I run it, and I’m not trying to bash it. All your points are good. So why would someone recommend Windows (or Mac) over Linux? Because in some cases like audio, the industry pretty much requires it. Lame, I know. But the human and business elements are just as strong as technical elements. The day that iZotope-level stuff works natively and reliably on Linux, I will tell people “sure, jump in with Linux and don’t think twice”. But for now, I felt a little caution and research could be in order depending on the OP’s ambitions.

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Hello bkdroid13,

I use both MXLinux and windows 10. They are both great and fast.

Welcome to Linux! I’ve been a Linux user for about 2 years now. Hardly ever use Windows, except for some work stuff.

Try different distributions via a live USB or on a virtual machine in Windows.

I think a live USB is the best way because of memory not being shared with Windows. You download an .iso image file and ‘burn’ it onto the USB to make it bootable.

Read through the forums to see how friendly / helpful the community is.

I have settled on Manjaro (Xfce desktop),, which is a rolling release (no waiting months or a year for the latest updates). I’ve had very few problems and the community is really helpful.

I decided to install my Linux system on its own drive to keep it completely separate from Windows. Dual boots have caused problems for me in the past.

Anyway, give it a go and finally install what feels right for you.

Another Mint user here to verify Shotcut works great. The switch to Linux was awkward for the first six months, but now I’ll never use anything else. I would keep a Windows machine around because some things simply don’t work in Linux. I have a Win7 laptop that I fire up for certain applications a couple times a year, but in 2019 I’m 99% Linux.