Lag at transitions


Just now I downloaded the latest version of shotcut, and I find that my editited video is now stopping for a microsecond just before the beginning of a transition. How do I stop that?

Is any one else facing the same problem?

I have a Asus tuf f15 laptop with an nvidia rtx 3060 graphic card.

Plase help.


I think this is common to experience in the preview because the transition causes extra processing to perform in real time. But in my usage, it does not occur in the exported video. Does it occur in the exported video for you?

I havent checked, but I did not face this problem in October, the last time I used shotcut to edit a video. Has something changed since then?

I havent changed my laptop, and just to be sure, I have uninstalled and reinstalled all gpu drivers.

Thanks for yoru help

Maybe you were using Preview Scaling or Proxy Editing previously. Those are common solutions to lag. Or maybe your Video Mode was set to a lower resolution or frame rate which requires lower performance from your computer.

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