Keyframes move over the timeline while the clip stays on it place

I make motorbike travel video’s. When I am driving, I mute the bike noice on the videoclip and at some music to the clip on an audiotrack. The music stays sometimes for more then 15 videoclips. When I am talking I lower the music volume with keyframes. That works fine.

The problem is when I change the length of videoclip 2, the volumekeyframes in the musictrack along the last 13 clips are on the wrong place on the timeline. Then I have to replace them all by hand. Is there a workaround fot this issue?

This can be a tricky one. In your particular use case with audio, I don’t know how to solve that problem, however someone might and I would also love to know the solution.

There is a workaround that I occasionally use, but as I said above, it isn’t applicable to a music track. Often when applying keyframes to a clip that may end up being lengthened or shortened (usually a color clip or text), I will split that clip at the beginning and end where I want the keyframes, and then I can adjust the middle portion freely without consequences.
EDIT: That isn’t entirely true, since changing the font size (for example) would have to be made in all 3 clips. I find that acceptable.

In your case perhaps you can use a different workflow. Knowing this is an issue for you, do not alter the audio as you go. Instead, only when you are happy with all the edits and confident the rest of your project flows as it should, do you apply the audio keyframes. In simple terms, make the audio keyframe edits the LAST job in your project. Yes, there will be times when you do change your mind or decide to make a major alteration and you will have to redo some of the keyframes (make sure you are backing up in that situation).


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