It isn't recognising time properly since the latest update

What is your operating system? Windows 10

What is your Shotcut version (see Help > About Shotcut)? Is it 32-bit? 22.04.25

Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?

WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free - this is a video of it happening

When dragging clips or adding time-based filters, such as fade ins/outs, it jumps from 00.24 to 01:00
You will see what I mean in the video. Is this a bug or am I being dumb?? Never had this problem before I just updated to the latest version today,

This looks normal. What did it do before?

The format is HH:MM:SS:frames. Your timeline appears to be 25 frames per second. This means the frame counter will go from 0 to 24, then add a second and go from 0 to 24 again.

The frame counter is a zero-based index, meaning the first frame is labeled as zero, just like the first minute and hour are labeled zero.

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Before, if, for example, I was adding a fade in on a clip, I could select it all the way up to 60 before it would tick up to 1. And likewise when dragging items on the timelime, I could drag them forwards X anount of time, fron 0 to 60 for 1 second. From what you have said, I’m wondering if it has changed from 60fps to 25? Or maybe it has switched from fractions of a second to frames?

Most likely, the project’s Video Mode is set to Automatic. The timeline will set itself to the same frame rate as whatever media file is dropped onto it first.

If an image (as opposed to a movie) is the first media file dropped onto the timeline, the FPS defaults to 25 since image files do not have a defined frame rate. This is most likely what happened to your project.


So I was just being dumb. Ive edited dozens of videos, evidently in 60. Im finding 25 much more fluid. Not sure how to detlete this erroneous post, so feel free to do it for me. And thanks

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