Is there a way to add clips to Shotcut timeline without dragging?

Hello everyone! Someone asked me on YouTube if there’s a way to add a clip to the timeline without dragging it. Honestly, that would be a great feature - being able to add clips directly in front of the cursor in the timeline. So, on their behalf, I’m asking: is there a way to add a clip to the timeline without dragging it?

Depends where is this video in the first place: if the video is opened in the source player (such as double clicking them in playlist) then CTRL+V pastes it to the timeline at the cursor position.

“A” appends it to the timeline at the end (on the current track if there are more than one).


The names of some actions you can search in Help > Actions and Shortcuts:

  • Paste (like an insert)
  • Overwrite
  • Append
  • Replace
  • Add Selected to Timeline (in Playlist > menu-button)

All of these actions appear in toolbars or menus and can have keyboard shortcuts.

The source of the first 4 operations is the Source viewer, naturally. To get something from Playlist, Bin, Files, or Recent into Source double-click it. Of course, File > Open something other than a project also opens in Source.

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