Is it possible to adjust the play speed of multiple clips on a timeline at once?

I know I can change the playback speed of a single clip in its properties tab, but I have 50+ sequential clips on a timeline that I want to experiment with different playback speeds for and I don’t want to have to adjust each clip multiple times. Is there any sort of track-wide filter or property I can adjust for this? Multiple selection seems to only edit the properties of the first clip in the selection, and the merge clip operation is always disabled, so I can’t just merge all the clips on that track and apply the property change once.

It looks like adjusting the play speed adds a properties line to the mlt xml project file like this:

<property name="warp_speed">5</property>
<property name="warp_resource">filepath.mp4</property>

All of the clips on the timeline I want to speed up come from a dedicated folder.Do I really have to a bulk regex find/replace and reload the project to do what I need? In case that’s actually the answer and someone else is googling:


("resource">)([^<]+/speed these up/[^<]+)(</property>\n)


$0\t<property name="warp_speed">5</property>\n\t
<property name="warp_resource">$2</property>\n

Looks like there might be a few other lines that are needed too:

<property name="mlt_service">timewarp</property>
<property name="shotcut:producer">avformat</property>
<property name="video_delay">0</property>


You would also want to recalculate the length and out time of each clip if you went the regex route.

I would suggest to pre-render the 50 clips into one single intermediate clip. Then, you can import the intermediate clip into your project and only need to change the speed once.

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