Is "Adjust opacity instead of fade with back" usefull?


I’m using Shotcut for 3 years now, and I never got this: what is the point of this checkbox “Adjust opacity instead of fade with back” ?

As far as I can see, I do not see cases where it’s useful. BUT this is super annoying when I copy/paste filters (to have the same fade in/fade out lengths) to ask myself every time “why the hell this fade is not applied ?” when I do this:


The difference between those two situations is that the first clip have another clip behind it, so the fade is done over the other clip. On the second situation, the clip is the only video clip in the timeline at this point, so behind it there is “nothing”, ie black.

So here is my point: why Shotcut doesn’t behave like every other NLVE (at least ones I tried) ie:

  • no clip below = black
  • all fades changes opacity
  • so
    • if there is a clip below, the fade is a transition from the lower clip to this one
    • if there’s no clip below, the fade is a transition from black

Did I missed some use cases ? This would simplify the process a LOT IMHO


What if the black screen is there not because there is no clip below but because there is an actual black image or video? What then if you want to do a fade? That’s the reason for “Adjust opacity instead of fade with black”.

I agree that in most cases you are fading with opacity and not with black. But this has already been addressed. The filter got modified some months back so now if you apply the filter on a clip when it’s on the second video track or above it automatically checks off the “Adjust opacity instead of fade with black” box. When it’s on the first video track when the filter is applied then that option is not checked like it was before.

Voici un exemple d’utilisation:
La première vignette apparait avec un fondu transparent.
La second vignette disparait avec un fondu transparent.
Le passage de la vignette 1 à la vignette 2 se fait avec un fondu au noir.

Here is an example of use:
The first thumbnail appears with a transparent fade.
The second thumbnail disappears with a transparent fade.
The transition from thumbnail 1 to thumbnail 2 is done with a fade to black.

Maybe this is an explanation of why I struggle for hours today with this checkbox that is always checked. I spend a lot of time unchecking this, twice, for every clip I add in the timeline :frowning:


Once again: in that case I’d except that the fade behave like if there’s a black video under my video.

To fix it I actually added a long black clip in the bottom of my timeline

I’m sorry but I’m not sure to understand. If I understand you well, you’re saying that my proposal (ie: always opacity) won’t work if there’s a black image or video below the clip that have the fade ?
This situation ?


In that case there’s no problem with a fade that’s always acting like if “Adjust opacity instead of fade with black” is checked

No. I was explaining the logic of why the “Adjust opacity instead of fade with black” option exists in the first place.

Now that you know the filter has been modified and understand the logic of it, does this new behavior work out for you?

I’m sorry but I absolutely do not understand any ‘logic’ in those behaviors.
Could you please try to explain this:

What if the black screen is there not because there is no clip below but because there is an actual black image or video? What then if you want to do a fade?

Or better: if you have the link to the thread where this has been discussed before; this would be great.


Just to be clear, the new behavior of the filter is:

  • When you add the Fade In/Out filter when the clip is on V1, “Adjust opacity instead of fade with black” is not selected which means it will fade in with black.

  • When you add the Fade In/Out filter when the clip is on V2 or higher, “Adjust opacity instead of fade with black” is automatically selected which means it will fade in and out with opacity.

That doesn’t make sense to you?

The common use case for wanting a clip to fade with black instead of with opacity is if the fade in and out effect is happening on a black background. A black background is produced by a video or image on V1 that is of an actual black background. Your suggestion to make “all fades changes opacity” would make the Fade In/Out filters invalid if the fade in and out effect is being done with black background.

So the reason for “Adjust opacity instead of fade with black” is to have one filter have the capability to handle both use cases (i.e fade with opacity and fade with black).

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