"INVALID" transitions


I’m working with Shotcut on Windows since more then a year and had no problems till today. I did a small project last week, every thing was ok. Today I startet a new tiny project, some clips with standard transistions. In the preview it looked ok, but in the exported video there where no transitions, only this “INVALID” message:

I reopend the project and now I get the INVALID-Screen also in preview mode.
My Shotcut version is 20.02.17. Any idea?

Did you update shotcut versions in the middle of the project? your transitions could have been depreciated and removed especially if you went from a major version(eg 19.08 to 20.02)

No, no update since february

Meanwhile I deleted and rebuild the project. Now it works well. May be the project file was damaged…

It’s possible the file was damaged, if that’s the case a SMART check on your drive(something like crystal disk info) would be worthwhile

From the version 20.04 release notes:

Fixed Undo followed by Redo after a Lift or Remove on a transition saves the transition as INVALID .

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