Install Batch Encode in Shotcut possible?

Sorry for my bad English. It would be great if you could add some kind of batch encode to Shotcut. So you could insert several projects and then encode one after the other. That would often save me a lot of time and I could then just let the program run through overnight and then the next day I would have finished editing e.g. 4 - 5 files.

Already exists. Open project, Export, repeat.

If I understand that correctly, I first have to create a project file for each file. Can I then gradually load them into Shotcut?

No, you do not, but you are the one who wrote “project” so did I. Just try a little harder. After you start an export use File > New, do something, and export. Repeat as needed.

Thank you @shotcut for your help. I’m testing the whole thing right now and if it works right you’ve saved me a lot of time. :grinning: :+1:

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