If you shorten Images in Timeline "too much" you will lose Control

What is your operating system?
(If you are using Linux, you must state how you installed Shotcut as there are too many builds and packages. In general, we do not make the build installed by your distribution package manager unless it installs the Snap. The developers only build, test, run, and support the builds shown on our download page.)

Windows 10

What is your Shotcut version (see Help > About Shotcut)?
Shotcut version 25.01.25

Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?
(Please be specific and use the names as seen in Shotcut, preferably English. Include a screenshot or screen recording if you can. Also, you can attach logs from either View > Application Log or right-click a job and choose View Log.)

  1. Clear Project
  2. Place Image in Timeline
  3. Grab right Side Corner and drag over Image until full left of the Image
  4. You will lose Control of the Corner with your Mouse
  5. If you zoom in on the Image to lengthen it again you will see that the Red-Corner has shiftet to the Center of the Image-Entry of the Timeline
  6. The Image can now only be resized from this “new resize-corner”
  7. If you move the Image-Entry a bit in the Timeline the functionality is “repaired”


Initial with red shorten-corner

Still control of shortening

I am still holding my Mouse Button here. It changed from this Resize-Icon to the Windows-Default Icon (lost resizing Control)

The red Resize Corner from right Side is no near left Side of the Image-Entry

Any thoughts on this or is this just rejected?

It keeps happening to me and its kind of distracting.

It is a little difficult to understand. “Corner” is very different than edge. Corner is a fade control, and the edge or side is a trim handle. I had trouble to follow the steps, but I think I reproduced it. it was due to an optimization to hide certain details when the clip is very small. So, a workaround would be press F5 to reload the timeline, but it should be too short to allow adjustment until you zoom in. I made a fix for the next version 25.03

Ah yes, Edge not Corner. English…

The F5 Funtionality is a cool thing, wanst aware that this exists.

Thanks for the Information about the fix :slight_smile: