If I’m using Shotcut, can you tell me what I do with the "interpolation" button?

If I’m using Shotcut, can you tell me what I do with the “interpolation” button below? Would I use it for the 5 minutes of blank space I made between two different Paint photos?

No, Interpolation is a setting option, it is not a function or effect. It controls how pixels are computed when scaling, rotating, or other transformations take place. You can choose between low quality or higher quality with the trade-offs mentioned in ().

You can read more about interpolation here:

It sounds like you want to animation tweening or image morphing. Shotcut only does tweening between keyframes of a filter’s individual parameter. It does not do image or drawing tweening. For 2D animation, you can look to many apps but some free, open source ones are Pencil, Krita, and Synfig.

Thanks! I’ll try Synfig, Pencil, and Krita. So, you’re saying that I would have no use for Shotcut?

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