I want to make my subtitles thicker

I usually use shotcut for editing my YouTube videos. However, shotcut are honestly inconvenient to put subtitles. The part that I feel most uncomfortable about is the contour setting part of the subtitle. The maximum contour size that can be set in subtitles is only 30, and there is always a desire to make it thicker. I would appreciate it if you could simply raise the contour setting limit of the subtitles to a limitless or 100. If you ask me why I say this, it’s because if I make a video with the size of the subtitles I set, the contours of the subtitles are always set so thin. The way to add subtitles of the shotcut is so uncomfortable, but this is a tolerable problem. I just want to make the subtitles thicker. Adding subtitles for shotcuts is too uncomfortable compared to other editors, but this is a tolerable problem. I just want to make the subtitles thicker. I hope the shotcut developers will see my suggestion positively. And to add, I wrote this article using a translator. Please look at the sentence even if it’s weird.

It was already increased to 200 for the next version.

Shotcut does not have subtitle features. It has text features that people try to bend to burn subtitles into a video instead of making proper subtitles that the user can control.