I need help I have a project that crashed and now every time I open it it crashes I could loose two days of work please help

Windows 10 is my operating system

my shotcut version is Shotcut version 20.04.12

I can not repeat the problem

best bed wars player being best edit1.mlt (323.2 KB)
This is the file that broke if you need it to fix it if you can

There might be a clue in the application log. To find the application log, choose: Settings > App Data Directory > Show from the menu.


  1. Open Shotcut
  2. Open your project
  3. Observe crash
  4. Open shotcut-log.txt from the App Data Directory
  5. Upload the log to this forum

Another question: Do other projects still work as expected? Is the crash only related to this project file?

Suggestion: You might consider installing the latest version of Shotcut. Save a backup file of your project file to ensure that you do not lose any work.

I loaded your project, replaced it with media of my own, played it all of the way through, exported it, and I did not have a problem. I was using 64-bit version. The usual problem is this situation is that you are using a 32-bit version of Shotcut and running out of memory, but you did not answer the question about whether you are using 32-bit. If you are using 32-bit, I can modify your project to reduce the resolution to 1280x720, and that might work.

Next, I opened your project with my media on the 32-bit version. It loaded but after starting to play it, at around 23 seconds it stopped. Then, I checked View > Application Log, went to the end, and it reports [Error ] <MLT> [mlt_pool] out of memory. There is no fix for running out of memory on 32-bit other than simplify your project. Even when I reduced the project resolution to 720p, it ran out of memory. It might be from the Rotate and Scale filters that scale things to 500% or 1000%.

Continuing the discussion from I need help I have a project that crashed and now every time I open it it crashes I could loose two days of work please help:

shotcut-log.txt (49.0 KB)

All my other projects work fine its just this one that is crashing.

From your log:
[Info ] <Application::Application> install dir = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Shotcut"

You are using the 32-bit version. That is the problem.

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