I need counsel to recreate the visual effect seen in the Corridor Crew video about the prism replacing the need of green and blue screen

I want to recreate the visual effect seen in the Corridor Crew video about the prism removing the need of green screen and blue screen but I miss some details about the notch reject filter, the bandpass filter and the beam splitter prism.

Here’s the video

The video of Corridor Crew is very informative but it lack crucial details for me :

the size of the lens filters and the prism they used.

What is the number of the transmission direction indicator for the notch reject filter lens, the shade of yellow of the bandpass filter lens and its wavelength number and also the brand they are from. The lenses are for microscope optics and laser but could a yellow color lens filter and a polarised filter for telescope or for camera be used or something similar.

What brand of yellow sodium light bulbs they used or what led light alternative could be used instead.

What digital and/or analog film camera could be to use with the assembled product.

Could it be used in tandem with the technique of matte painting on glass.

My apologies if my curiosities seems out of place, this stack exchange channel seemed the most appropriate place to ask that question. I’m more inclined toward old techniques than the ones needing a heavy use of computer.

Well it is a better way if you have that kind of money and time and knowledge to recreate it. But newer ways are still cheaper and better.

The Wikipedia page might help further.

All these things you mentioned, should be trial and error if not achieved the level of help you want. They (corridor crew) probably wouldn’t reply to you if just casually ask, you might have to contact them over like big project to make them help you.

This should help, I believe.