I need advice plz

hello, i’m using shotcut for about a year doing simple cutting videos and picture slideshows,

these kind of videos stopped me and im looking to do similar to, is shotcut able to do it and if yes please I need , a way to do or guide me to some chanel or video’s
explaing what to do to make similar videos because i dont wanna change shotcut with any other editor :cry: ::frowning: thanks alot
Note : I’m talking about how you could make the picture rolling to the other side

You can do it in Shotcut, but it will be somewhat complicated. I would put the first 4 images on their own track, use the Size-Position-Rotate filter to place them in their initial positions and use the Corner-Pin filter keyframed to make it look as if they are rotating about the Y-axis to appear. Then you would stitch the other images (5 onwards) together into one wide image and put this on yet another track, then use the Size-Position-Rotate filter on every track, keyframed to scroll them all to the left.

I tried it by writing an HTML program to do this - much simpler in my mind, and recorded the result, which you can see below.

If you understand how to write HTML the code is here:

!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="language-html language-css">
  <title>Playing Cards</title>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta    name="description" content="Playing Cards">
  <meta    name="keywords"    content="Shotcut, Playing Cards">
  <meta    name="viewport"    content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    :root    { --cw: 276px; --ch: 426px; --tw: calc(13 * var(--cw) + 100px); }
    html     { width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; background-color: #000000;}
    body     { width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: visible;}
    img      { width: var(--cw); height: var(--ch); }
    div      { width: var(--tw); height: var(--ch); overflow: hidden;
               display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: flex-start;
               animation: 39s linear 15s forwards scroll_left;}
    .c2      { --s:  0s;}
    .c3      { --s:  3s;}
    .c4      { --s:  6s;}
    .c5      { --s:  9s;}
    .c6      { --s: 12s;}
    .c2, .c3, .c4, .c5, .c6 {transform: rotateY(90deg); animation: 3s linear var(--s) forwards turn_over; }
@keyframes scroll_left {
  from {transform: translateX(0);}
  to   {transform: translateX(calc(-15 * var(--cw)));}

@keyframes turn_over {
  from {transform: rotateY(90deg);}
  to   {transform: rotateY( 0deg);}

    <img src="2S.png" alt="card" class="c2">
    <img src="3S.png" alt="card" class="c3">
    <img src="4S.png" alt="card" class="c4">
    <img src="5S.png" alt="card" class="c5">
    <img src="6S.png" alt="card" class="c6">
    <img src="7S.png" alt="card">
    <img src="8S.png" alt="card">
    <img src="9S.png" alt="card">
    <img src="10S.png" alt="card">
    <img src="JS.png" alt="card">
    <img src="QS.png" alt="card">
    <img src="KS.png" alt="card">
    <img src="AS.png" alt="card">

Mr.Elusien Thanks for taking time to reply my message, I do know it’s hard to make kind of these videos at shotcut it’s need shotcut expert , but I’m Fast learner, is there any Channel or some videos you could guide me to talk about the same topic coz I searched the Internet for the name of the project and the method of work, but it leads me to something else I really don’t know how Write in HTML language and as you know it’s need so much time to learn,

It’s possible the animation in the video shared by @Mohammedfraij was done with Fusion. @Elusien is right, something similar can be done with Shotcut, but it would be a nightmare to set all the filters and keyframes needed. I’m not familiar enough with HTML to use Elusien’s method either, so if I had to make such a video, I’d use Natron to create the animation then import it in Shotcut. Blender would work also.

Thanks for replying,
I will try defront programs then I will import to shotcut as you said coz I’ve been trying for the past 3 days 10 hours a day it’s almost impossible

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