I just spent several hours editing a video and it wont export

STO #2.mlt (144.5 KB)
idk if the link will work but when i export it mdoes it liike instantly which is strange cuz its a 30min video but when i look for it in my files its not there

Hello @blueberryninja63 The file was downloadable and there was no problem while export, I could find the clip where I exported it, Obviously I do not have the files that you have in your Desktop, So it will show me a black screen in the preview, So I just added a white screen on a new track above the main track and a new audio track at the bottom with some audio clips I have, and the white screen was visible and I could also hear the audio, that means the export is working fine.

I think you can’t find the file because you did not remember where you saved that file, or you have just deleted the file and didn’t remember that you deleted it.

Simple or direct answer:- "Try to re-export the video on the desktop, So you didn’t forget where you saved it, then I think it could solve your problem."

Its not that i cant find the files, they dont exist, im not even sure its actually exporting

Is this from Shotcut’s download page? https://shotcut.org/download/

If they do not exist, You have exported, You remember where you saved it. That’s hard to understand, Sorry, but I can’t help further.

What i meant was that it says that is exporting but i cannot find the exported file

On the Jobs panel, right-click the export entry and view the log. The filename will be in the log. Or more likely, an error explaining why the export didn’t actually work will be in the log.

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Its fine i gave up and re edited it, it was quicker the second time

I think the problem started when i changed the resolution or something to 1920 1080 and even after i reset it it wouldn’t export

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