I have a frozen image/file

I started using Shotcut for my editing project a couple days ago. After scaling down preview to 360p and using proxing it was going all smooth with my editing until I suddenly got a frozen image in the preview window. Even if I cut parts of the original video away the same picture in the preview window is still showing.

I’ve tried restarting Shotcut and deleting the whole video and importing it again, none of which works.
I should mention that when I look at the video unedited it works all fine and the player moves past the part where it gets stuck on Shotcut, same with other editing programs/apps.

Anyone had this problem and knows how to solve it? Please help me, I’m eager to continue editing.

(Right now I’m waiting for a trimmed version of the original video to save down so I’ll try to import that one where the part where it got frozen is removed completely, not sure it that’ll help and it takes like 2 days to save, lol).

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