The HSL Range Video Filter was added in Shotcut 25.01.03
The HSL Primaries Video Filter operates in the HSL color model. It can adjust the Hue, Saturation and Lightness of the colors in a specified color range. The hue can be shifted +/- 180 degrees. The saturation and lightness can be scaled by a configurable factor.
The blend parameter controls how much an adjustment can fade into the adjacent color colors outside the range. This can be helpful to avoid banding when the image has a gradient that fades from one color to another.
This example shows an image with a blue car and no adjustments to the filter:
In this example, the color range was configured to include all the blue/cyan colors that make up the car. Then, the hue was shifted and the saturation increased to make the car appear bright red:
In the image above, you can see a color bar the displays the colors that are included in the range to be adjusted:
In this example, the color range was set to everything except blue and the saturation was scaled to 0% to make the background black and white:
See also:
Hue/Lightness/Saturation Video Filter
HSL Primaries Video Filter