How would I make a Star Trek-ish warp speed transition?

@MusicalBox Thank you. Your great suggestion fits perfectly into my current project. The route with a dedicated application (not Glaxnimate), was already prepared.

@MusicalBox Merci. Votre suggestion géniale s’intègre à la perfection dans mon projet actuel. Le tracé avec une application dédiée (pas Glaxnimate), était déjà prêt.


De rien Serge. Joli coin de pays pour faire du vélo :bike:

@MusicalBox Yes, but I don’t understand why the climb percentages seem to get steeper year after year.

@MusicalBox Oui, mais je ne comprends pas pourquoi les pourcentages de pente semblent plus importants année après année !! :rofl::rofl:

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Je ne fais pas de vélo, mais je marche environs 5 km presque à chaque jour. Et je constate aussi que les pentes et escaliers sont de plus en plus difficiles à gravir. Je ne comprend pas non plus ce qui peut causer ce phénomène.

I don’t have a bike, but I walk about 5 km almost every day. And I’ve also noticed that slopes and stairs are getting harder and harder to climb. I don’t understand what’s causing this either.
:upside_down_face: :sweat_smile:

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This sounded like it would be great for my current project, so I tried it. I’ve got another exercise video going. The result looked okay, but I was startled to find my 81 push-ups now looked liked 57! I couldn’t quite figure out what happened. But it seems to be a bug! I deleted the time filter, and my project was back to the count I expected. This is just a heads-up about a possible sneaky bug!

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