How to use the same codec when saving?

I edited the video file (deleted some fragments).
How can I save it without re-encoding? How to use the same codec when saving?

Impossible to save without re encoding.
You can use others tools for that.

EDIT: Removed, free version no longer does the job.

Here is what I do, although you did not specify the original codec. For DV files:

  1. Open Shotcut
  2. Open file
  3. Click Properties (in this test case it identifies as DV codec)
  4. Open Export
  5. Select (in this case) DV (dv_ntsc)

Seems simple and straightforward to me. Perhaps Shotcut (and FFMpeg) does not support your codec?


I usually use the codec H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10. This codec I like.

Most often there is a situation where just need to remove some fragments from the video, and then save it in the same codec. There is no sense in re-encoding it. It’s just a waste of my time.

Previously, I did this work on a primitive Avidemux, which can save video without re-encoding: it has the “Copy” function.
This save is done instantly!

I thought that a powerful Shotcut would do this job better.
But it turned out that in it there is not this simplest possibility to save without recoding.
So I’m forced to use re-encoding in the same codec, but it’s done for several hours :frowning:
I am very disappointed with this annoying shortcoming of Shotcut…

Sounds more like a case of your expectations exceeding reality.
Shotcut is free to evaluate and use if it suits, if not you can use something else.

Sounds more like a case of your expectations exceeding reality.

No, it sounds like the stupidity of the Shotcut’s developers.
And they do not want to admit it?

Why did they remove this opportunity?
To make a powerful Shotcut worse than a primitive Avidemux?
And I should be happy with this?

[quote=“Victoria, post:1, topic:2464”]
How to use the same codec when saving?
[/quote] My reply answered this. [quote=“Victoria, post:1, topic:2464”]
How can I save it without re-encoding?
[/quote] Only mpeg AFAIK is eligible for this process. [quote=“Victoria, post:5, topic:2464”]
Most often there is a situation where just need to remove some fragments from the video, and then save it in the same codec. There is no sense in re-encoding it. It’s just a waste of my time.
[/quote] The only video editor I am familiar with that can do this is a Window$ app Cyberlinc Power Director. Because it only encodes newly edited video it has a reputation for being quite fast on mpeg files. I would use it but Windoze is a bad word! :slight_smile:


You shouldn’t be calling Shotcut developers stupid. They put in a lot of time and effort to produce an excellent product that they update monthly and give away FREE.

I’ve used Avidemux for small edits and it works fine if you just cut a few pieces out of a video. But if you want to apply any filters in Avidemux you have to re encode.

You shouldn’t be calling Shotcut developers stupid. They put in a lot of time and effort to produce an excellent product that they update monthly and give away FREE.

Well, I will call them short-sighted

I’ve used Avidemux for small edits and it works fine if you just cut a few pieces out of a video. But if you want to apply any filters in Avidemux you have to re encode.

It’s clear. But I consider the case only without filters.
Why does Avidemumux do this, but Shotcut can not?

Only mpeg AFAIK is eligible for this process.

This terrible restriction does not suit me at all.

EDIT: Removed, free version no longer does the job.

Take this opportunity back, please! Do make Shotcut no worse than Avidemux! :slight_smile:

Hi, from Shotcut FAQ (

How do I cut or trim a clip without encoding or transcoding it?
This is not supported, and there are currently no plans to support it. We recommend that you use VirtualDub or Avidemux for that.

We must respect the developers options regarding a software that they make available for everybody for free. Either you code it yourself and contribute the code to the project with the feature you want, or use the software as-is or go somewhere else to have the feature you need. It’s that simple. :slight_smile:

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Either you code it yourself and contribute the code to the project with the feature you want, or use the software as-is or go somewhere else to have the feature you need. It’s that simple. :slight_smile:

And why do not you consider another variant, which is better? :slight_smile:
Users make a smart offer, then do programmers implement it?

I don’t know if that is a smart offer since from my understanding the feature you are requesting (and you are not the first to request it) doesn’t make much sense for the purpose of a non-linear video editor like Shotcut.

And since we don’t own the developers time, we as users depend on their good will to continue to develop and make their excellent software for free. I’m glad they do since Shocut is one of the best free video editors out there.

there is also

@nwgat Nice find! :slight_smile:

didnt notice the one in the thread :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

there is also GitHub - mifi/lossless-cut: The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing

What for? I continue to use Avidemux, which has more capabilities than Lossles-cut.

In addition, I hoped that Shotcut very fast processes video on a GPU -

But it turned is stupid hoax, or a deception.

Please collect your coat and leave. You have no manners.

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I am very disappointed with this annoying shortcoming of Shotcut.

It’s not a shortcoming. What you are describing is an extremely rare feature of non-linear editors. Different jobs require different tools.