How to run a video clip longer than its max duration?


I have this problem …
I am trying to make my logo video clips run longer in Shotcut.
I was trying to create a gif … with HTML overlay.
The intent is to have the backdrop in “green” so I can chroma it out.
But to do that I need the green background to be constantly green …

But the problem is the logo is created on Blender 8.2 … and as it uses all those fancy glow and reflection, thus my “green background” cannot be constantly green. This is due to reflection onto the logo if I use world green, or to the backdrop plane if I use plane set to green.

See an example what I created.

So my next best idea I know (well I am still very much a NOOB) … is to export from Blender into multiple sequenced png files with transparent background.

But I don’t know of any apps (I tried to google all day) that is free that can convert this png (transparent background) files into a gif file so that I can use Shotcut HTML overlay. Tried a few online tool and GIMP … does not work … it comes out messy due to transparency of PNG files.

Does anyone can advise me any opensource (free) tool out there that can do this conversion ? png files with TRANSPARENT background into a gif file so I can run long duration in Shotcut using HTML overlay?

Do not do that. There is no need to use animated GIF, an inferior format, when you have superior PNG with alpha channel that you can use directly in Shotcut without the need to use HTML. If you want it to repeat, then add it multiple times on a track.

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ok leader,
Will avoid gif files … see what I did as you suggested replicating.
I have another question … how do you “export” from a video only a “section” of MLT files (see image below in red words) as a small video clip to share out?

This is explained many times here already; please search. Timeline > menu > Copy Timeline to Source, mark in and out, Export > From = Source.

Thanks Leader,
I have to check couple of past threads … and try and error … guess I am noobs on this so the instruction took me a while to figure out. Here’s what I did based on what I gather and succefully make this clip from end section of my video timeline.
To export a clip from your video timeline, do:-
a) Timeline : Select menu > Copy Timeline to Source
Shotcut will run thru’ the entire timeline copying to source … wait till finish
b) Click I (mark in) or O (mark out) … or easier simply drag from source scroll bar
to visually see what you are copying on the Source scroll bar.
c) To export ensure set From = Source then save to a file.

Here’s my output

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I created my logo in Blender too and I had the same problem.
My advice:
I’ve tried to render it transparent, but Blender needs a black background to show the gloweffect.

  • Don’t render with green background instead use a black one.
  • Put your logo in a new layer over ther others in SC and set your ‘Blend Mode’ to ‘subtract’.

My glowing LightLogo made in Blender and put in Shotcut:

Thanks @DvS for further advise. I did same as what you did on Blender.
My problem is now solve by following the leader advise … replicate my “png” files imported into SC.
Not a neat way as I can’t really display my logo for long timeline using this way - too much replications. But is ok … just intro and credit suffice.

As for the “Blend Mode” … like Mask, I am still not clear on this Add, Subtract, Overwrite stuff … the latter “Mask” I am getting a better grasp after playing with the “teleport” thread @Sauron had been very helpful, and you too. For “Blend” only try using this for “flashy & multicolor” text … so I am doing a lot of trial and error to learn …

Will take this advise from you on my logo …
Blender continue to be a challenge to learn .
Continue to be my tool on logo and after effect stuff for finishing … :slight_smile: if I really understand Blender stuff more.

Good success!

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