How to refresh audio clip lenght? Possible? Or new feature?


Quite often I use wav audio files. Sometimes in the middle of video editing I change something in external program (audiacity). As result those wav files are quite often longer then initial version (few seconds longer). After reloading shotcut mlt project, it was possible to extend clip lenght in older version of shotcut (just by dragging the end of audio clip with mouse) (to have those missing seconds). However lately I migrated to 22.12.21 and… this trick doesn’t work. Any dragging with mouse finishes at the end of the older version of wav (it looks like shotcut has the fixed maximum length equal to the previous wav version). I tried also to rebuild waveforms, move clips in different ways, change speed etc. and nothing helps to refresh the clip lenght with the new version of file. Is there any workaround? Don’t you think it should be somehow possible (even as new feature)? Theoretically it’s possible to delete and add the clip once again but if clip is cut into smaller parts, have many filters and it’s adjusted to 1 frame, it might take some time.

Change Properties > Duration manually and then you can extend the clip on the timeline. It never automatically did this. It is OK to make the duration longer than necessary, but there is no looping or AI to make to fill it beyond the natural duration of the media.

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Thanks a lot. I’ve checked and it work. Just to add to that to other guys who might need this, first it’s necessary to change manually clip lenght as you described and next to extend the clip with mouse.

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