I know that if I double click on an clip, shotcut will jump me to the beginning of that clip on the timeline. Is there a way to jump to the end of the clip?
How are you defining the end of a clip? The beginning of the clip’s last frame? Or right after the end of the last frame, which would be the same as the beginning of the next clip? If the second definition, then there is the option of double-clicking the clip to set the playhead to the beginning, then Alt+Right Arrow to jump to the next cut point (which could be the “end” of the current clip depending on how you define it).
Thanks for your response, though I’m not sure I understand the nuances your question. There is currently a predefined shortcut where double clicking a clip takes you to the “beginning” of the clip you double clicked on. I’m curious if there is an equivalent short cut that does the exact opposite and takes you to the “end” of the clip you have selected.
Alt+Right is beneficial to know, however it takes you to the end of any clip on any track. If I have many other clips on other tracks then the benefit of alt+right diminishes and I’m back to manually scrubbing through the timeline to get to the end of the selected clip. A task that can become tedious on longer videos.
I don’t know an exact shortcut to jump to the end. But depending on what the deeper goal is, maybe Ctrl+Right Arrow could work? It selects the next clip on the same track. I’m not sure if clip selection or playhead movement is more important to you, though.
The nuance of “end point” is whether the playhead ends up still inside the clip or outside the clip. To set a filter’s end point when keyframed, “end” is the last frame inside the clip, as a clip filter can’t influence the look of the next clip. But for navigation, “end” might be more useful if defined as the start of the next clip (if one were immediately next in line).
Ctrl+Right is almost what I’m looking for. It does go to the next clip, provided there is a next clip on the track, but it doesn’t advance the… I’m not sure what the correct term here is, play head perhaps? It doesn’t advance the timeline to the next clip. The timeline remains wherever it was previously, so while the next clip is selected you can’t see the clip and have to manually move the timeline around to find that position. Not sure if that’s a bug or intended functionality.
It sounds like there’s not shortcut that does what I’m looking for (which for the record either of the “ends” you mentioned would be find enough for me). It’s been a question I’ve had for a couple years, but never got around to asking about, lol.
I’ll drop this in the suggestions area and see if anyone else would find it useful, thanks
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