So I’m trying to make a video and I want a scene where there’s this freeze frame going on, on a single frame of my video. That frame I want to keep on the screen for around 3 seconds but I’m having trouble figuring out how to do that. Thanks for any help!
File>>Export Frame
Give it any name you like, save it to the desktop.
With your video on the time, split it at the point you want to add the still.
Add the still to the playlist.
I generally open up space at the split then drop the still into the space then adjust the still’s duration via the Properties window.
"drop the still into the space then adjust the still’s duration via the Properties window."
This did not work when I tried it. The frame’s duration remained at the previous default setting. Is there some additional step that you did not mention?
(Yes, I know it’s an old thread, but the issue still exists so it is still quite relevant.)
Might be a bug in the latest version as the duration setting never applies. You can just drag the leading edge of the image on the time line to increase the duration. A ‘popup’ tool-tip shows the duration while dragging.
Thanks! Should I send in a bug report?
I recall several posts already in regards to this.