How to Delete Related Proxy Video File

Sorry I don’t have the Shotcut version on me but it’s a recent download.

I’m using Proxy for my video editing.

I included a video clip in my project, which was then converted to proxy. I later decided to change direction on the edit of the clip and start over with it, so I deleted it from the video track.

I then re-opened it, and dragged it to a video track for editing again but this time it already said (proxy). When I try to play the proxied clip, the video and audio are blank. I’ve tried several times but still get the same results.

I looked in the proxy folder and it’s all greek to me and doesn’t match the video clip naming scheme.

Is there a way to find and delete the proxy so that the clip works again?

I’ve tried renaming the original file and that didn’t work. Shotcut still recognized the file and already has (PROXY) behind the file name.

I viewed the proxy videos and finally found the file. Took way too long. Deleted it and was able to start over.

I opened the file, dragged it to a video track and it made a proxy version again. The video clip is still black though.

Maybe Shotcut is having trouble generating a proxy for that file. If so, you might need to edit that file without proxy.

But it created a proxy of it before and then I was able to edit it.

So before it worked, and then after deleting the clip to start over, I retried it and it’s black.

Properties > Proxy > Copy Hash Code
is the base name for the proxy file. You can paste it into the find function of your file manager, preferably searching within only the proxies folder.