Shotcut version 24.09.13
can you please tell me why the fps is not possible to get down to at least 15 fps? I have created this video from 1024x1024px images and one mp3 file, but I am used to save mp4 in the format as on the screenshot but 1024x1024px and 3, 5 or 15 fps to minimize video size. In the Youtube category I cannot change it too.
You need to upgrade to the latest version.
I have downloaded Shotcut recently, is version 24.09.13 too old? How would it be possible? I have downloaded .appimage
It is not out of date. But I have inserted two images which are 256x256 size. Is this the problem? The rest is 1024x1024. Gonna correct this.
Wow, really?!
From the download page (top side of website)
Current Version: 24.11.17
Or in the application, main menu choose Help > Upgrade… and look in the middle in the window where status messages are displayed