How do I swap clips?

I have clip A and clip B. I want to rearrange them as clip B and clip A without risking any sort of overlap. Can shotcut help me with this, or do I just have to make a ton of space around them so it’s easy to see that they don’t overlap?

Whatever is the right solution, does this get trickier if there are more than 2 clips involved? E.g., I have A-F, and I decide I want F to be in the front.

Sélectionnez A et cliquez sur le ciseau “Couper” (ou tapez X)
Positionnez la tête à la fin de B et cliquez sur le bloc-note “Coller” (ou tapez V)

Select A and click on the “Cut” chisel (or type X)
Capture d’écran 2021-03-17 à 10.18.30
Position the head at the end of B and click on the “Paste” bloc-note (or type V)
Capture d’écran 2021-03-17 à 10.18.30 - 2

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ok what about my second question?

I have A-F, and I decide I want F to be in the front.

Also, turn on Snapping and Ripple mode (in timeline toolbar) and drag to move a clip left. (Moving a clip to the right in this mode opens up a gap in the track, which is different but also good to know.) Either method works regardless the number of clips. The trickiness with the move method I gave is with timeline scrolling and zoom for long movements. When you zoom out there is less scrolling required but it becomes more difficult to grab a small clip and line it up in its new location.

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C’est la même chose
Sélectionnez “F” et cliquez sur le ciseau (ou tapez X)
Sélectionnez le début de “A” et cliquez sur le bloc-note (ou tapez V)

It is the same thing
Select “F” and click on the chisel (or type X)
Select the beginning of “A” and click on the notepad (or type V)


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Double click a timeline clip to seek to its beginning. That makes it easy to go to a paste point.

Ohh, different behavior depending on which direction I’m dragging explains a lot of confusion I’m having.

Maybe it doesn’t make sense in some way, but I think it would be more intuitive if this behavior was a mode that you could turn on and off, and it works consistently regardless of which direction you’re dragging. Different behavior on which way you drag isn’t something I would assume.

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