How do I prevent this abrupt size change while croping

I applied a size, position, and rotate filter to a image clip.
I applied a crop:source filter to the same clip.
Now I’m changing the bottom parameter, and around 250 - 350 pixels the image abruptly gets smaller.

How do I prevent this?

I am not really sure what you are seeing, but Crop:Source changes the aspect ratio of the source. It is not simply affecting the alpha channel. That will affect how one rectangle (source frame) fits within another (Size, Position & Rotate filter). You can try something different to get what you want such as Crop: Rectangle with Background transparent.

Is a gif all right? This is what I’m seeing:
A size, position, and rotate filter is applied like this with 75% zoom:

Is image quality going to be the same regardless of whether I use crop:source or crop:rectangle? I was under the assumption that crop:source is technically slightly better even though not many people are going to notice the difference.

My 16:9 aspect ratio image doesn’t cause this problem. The image in the gif animation above is 634x498. And some unusual aspect ratio like 3:1 (for a video, not necessary for an image) does cause this problem, but only if I change the left (or right) parameter instead of bottom like this:

I am traveling and will not be helping you with this any further. Again, you can try to figure out some way to achieve what you want. Good luck

Given you are making minor tweaks or adjustments to the crop AND using an SPR, then try the previously recommended Crop:Rectangle and see what happens. I am confident it will deliver the required result.

Yeah, I’ve tried Crop: Rectangle. It didn’t work too well.

Have you tried Size, Position, and Rotate filter and crop: rectangle combination? I’m doing it in a synthetic way as a test, and it isn’t easy to navigate. Although it’s hard to explain, here is an example:

I want this image cropped around the letter A, zoomed 200%, and positioned center.

Now I apply SPR and zoom up.

Now I apply crop:rectangle and crop stuff.

What if I want to zoom 300% instead of 200%

Letter A gets misaligned, and I have to readjust the position parameters in the SPR to fit into the rectangle.

It can be done, but as you can see, combining SPR and crop:rectangle is not user-friendly nor optimal in terms of speed.

Doing the same thing is a lot easier with combination of SPR and crop:source because cropped-out parts of an image don’t show up anymore with crop:source. In other words, once Crop:Source is applied, the cropped image can be handled as if it’s been cropped outside of Shotcut with an image manipulation program. It’s pretty clear to me this is a lot user-friendly and efficient way to do what I want to do especially when I want to do this multiple times, as long as this abrupt size change doesn’t happen.

I get that Crop:Source seems like the ideal tool for this and it is a shame it can’t quite handle SPR adjustments like yours. But you have a reasonably simple solution that gets the job done and works just fine, especially since it doesn’t look like there is an easy way to fix the problem you are experiencing in future builds.

Just to put things into perspective, if you decide to change your mind and go 300% instead of 200 (which appears to be the bone of contention), you still have to manually change the SPR. At that time adjusting the Crop:Rectangle is an extra step that will take less than 30 seconds in each instance. Slightly annoying perhaps, but hardly a big deal imo and you are going to have to live with it. Given your posting history and experience, I think you already know that!


Have you tried doing the Crop:Source first, getting the left/right/top/bottom dimensions as you wish the image to appear before scaling, and then applying the SPR?

Here is a quick test with Crop:Source first, and the only thing adjusted over the 3 images was the zoom:

Crop-Source-Test.mlt (11.6 KB)
Not sure about the resulting quality however.

Yeah, I have. I think the order of applying filters chronologically doesn’t matter because I can change the order of how Shotcut/MLT applies filters programmatically by changing the order of the filters in the Filters panel.

Regardless of the order of those filters, this abrupt size change happens when I adjust the bottom or top parameter.

I like the crop:source and SPR combo’s ease of use as you can experience with your example mlt file. I don’t know what aspect ratio your video mode is using, but if it’s something like HD 1080p 60fps, then the aspect ratio is 16:9. And image1.jpg in my previous post is in some random aspect ratio of 443:325.

You’d have to adjust the bottom or top (not left or right) parameter in the crop:source to see this glitch.

I wrote about 16:9 aspect ratio not causing this problem,

but this is less precise. The more precise condition of not causing this glitch is the video mode aspect ratio exactly matching the aspect ratio of the image or video.

Maybe you’re right. It’s just that the more precise and concise the description of what is causing a glitch, the easier for Dan or Brian to decide what to do about it. Even smaller contributors are on here too, so they can potentially have some interest.