How do I mask out the background?

I have a raw video I made with my camera (raw video is on youtube here: I want to mask or blur the people wandering by in the background, but I am not sure how to do that.

@bentacular has crazy good tutorials with nice voiceovers :smile:

Keep in mind that you would have to mask and animate the mask of the train too to let it be visible. This would take some time and effort, and you have to do it MANUALLY!!! on each frame.

P.S:- If you have after effects, or maybe can get a trial of after effects, then you can do it easily with rotobrush. If you only have a one time use, maybe then you should use it. But it’s not morally right to do… But yeh, it’s adobe so… I mean it’s on your choice :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @RobertPHeller
There are two filter sets in the filters panel that can be used to mask objects. In your case, faces.
Obscure with Blur and Obscure with Mosaic

You can use keyframes to make the mask(s) follow the faces.
And you can add more Mask: Simple Shape filters if there are more than one face to hide.

OK, that seems straightforward (if a bit tedious). Now I need get glaxnimate. It does not seem to be in the stock repos for debian/Raspberry Pi for aarch64 (Yes, I am using a RPi 5 running Linux).

OK, building glaxnimate from sources…

Where are the filter sets? I don’t see them on my version (22.12.22)? Do I have enable something or install something extra?

Filter Sets are not available in that 1.5 year old version. Our flatpak is available for aarch64, is the latest version, and includes Glaxnimate.

Where do I get the flatpack?

We have a web site.

Can you explain what you are doing in WORDS. I can’t really follow the video. I am just not someone who learns from videos well. I much rather READ a description. Also: how do you get the time line and keyframes both displayed? My UI (using the flatpak version (24.04.28) looks different.

I guess this means that you were able to upgrade to the latest version of Shotcut?

The layout in Shotcut can be configured in many ways. Panels (like the Timeline, the Keyframes panel, the Filters panel etc…) can be moved to other areas of the layout.

I suppose that in your layout, the Timeline and the Keyframes panel are grouped in the same area and that to switch from one to the other, you use the two tabs at the bottom of the screen?

To get them side by side, click on the Keyframes tab, then grab it’s Title Bar and grab it to the right until it docks on the right side of the Timeline.

Sorry. English is not my native language. That’s why I often prefer to explain thing visually, with a video. And I don’t know what is your experience level with Shotcut. Explaining all I did with words if I have to explain in details how to use filters and keyframes would take me too long.

The video I posted was not an in-depth tutorial. I was a guide for you to follow. Now that you use a recent version of Shotcut, you have access to the Filter sets. And now that you know how to have the Timeline and Keyframes panels side by side, I hope that you’ll be able to replicate the steps, without a lot of words :wink:

Yes, there is a flatpak version.

I have no problem reading long bodies of text… I much rather read the preverbial 1000 words than look at some random picture.

I sortof got things to sort of work, maybe. But not really – can’t figure out how to make the edits “stick” (how to leave filter mode, without losing the filtering) or how to revert mistakes or how to redo things. I will have to hunt down a printable manual. Does that even exist? A lot of recent software seems to lack such. FreeCad and Fritzing are two examples – I can manage to use both, after a fashion.

I have no idea what that means… And to be honest, I don’t think it has anything to do with the language barrier.

I figured it out. Part of the problem was it was hard for me to follow what your mouse was doing. And a big part of that is that I find the dark themes “hard to see”. (What is this "dark mode’ ‘craze’? All sorts of applications and desktops are defaulting to dark themes these days. Is there some strange longing for glass TTYs – black screens with low-res dot-matrix text? I remember those days and really prefered Model 33’s when they were available…)