I have already applied a Size, Position, and Rotate filter to the track V1 with a bunch of keyframes as you can see above.
Now I want to copy that filter to the clip and remove the filter from the track, so that the filter is now attached to the clip, not the track.
I have tried filter copy and paste, and all the keyframes are more or less gone because of the space between the beginning of the track and the start of the clip.
I have also tried saving a preset and applying it to the clip.
The same result. Due to the space, all the keyframes are gone.
I have also tried setting filter In position, saving a preset, and applying it to the clip. This seems to work, but as soon as I attempt to change one of the keyframes position and size, the image (test01.png in the above jpg) gets messed up.
Any way to do a complete and clean transfer of keyframes from the track to the clip?
No. We don’t have an officially supported way to do it. Here is a crazy way that is probably not worth the effort:
Add a track
Put a color clip on the track
Extend the color clip to stretch from the beginning of the track to the end of the target clip that you eventually want to paste to.
Copy the filter from the track and paste it on the color clip
Grab the left edge of the color clip and trim it to the right until it lines up with the beginning of target clip. While you trim, the keyframes should be getting shifted to the left.
Copy the filter from the color clip and paste it on the target clip
Okay, thanks. I’m doing what you suggested right now, and it seems to work. But the result is the same as what I described here.
For some reason I can’t figure out, as soon as I change size or zoom parameter, the image and rectangle VUI snap back to each other in a “glitchy” way like this: