Hotkey to skip ahead at least 1 minute at a time

I guess if it displays in timecode format it might accomplish all three.

It could work, but I see two drawbacks.

The tool would take more space in the toolbar. Even if it doesn’t show the hours digits.

Also, I don’t know for you, but I find that editing the timecode counter is not always super easy


I agree. Frames or seconds is much easier.

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Hmm, maybe not, the more I think about it, because you would normally just require a round number of minutes, or seconds or frames, so beginning from 00:00:00:00 it might not be all that fiddly
 not sure 

I am not sure if such a control deserves space on the toolbar. Also, I would want the shortcut to work on the preview player, not just the timeline. That is why I am suggesting some kind of popup control.

Did you know that you can type frames into the control? Try selecting the text and typing 500 - see what happens.

So, a pop-up control to set the duration of the seek, then use keyboard shortcuts to actually seek?
That’s interesting.

Maybe the Page-UP, Page-Down shortcuts could be used for that instead of being fixed to 1 second.
It would be set to 1 second by default. Open the pop-up to change the default value.
This would avoid having to create new shortcuts.

I’ll be darned! Thanks


This is genius.

Hopefully the pop-up could allow entry in frames, seconds, or minutes as indicated by a list box control. I would definitely value frame precision for setting up transitions, but totally understand people wanting to jump by minutes at a time to scrub long footage, too.


Good idea. A customizable skip/seek. I think the perfect solution!


I saw the reference to @namna above that looked good. Did not see it on my implementation, apparently that is not active for us among the great unwashed masses. At any rate as referenced by @MusicalBox etal would be a great solution by me. I don’t care if you use seconds or frame rate (as long as that will work on audio only as well). People can do the math for the setup, the key, for me, is to use a shortcut key to do the skip forward/back.

Using minutes as the units is intuitive and allows rapid movement to very different parts of the video (esp if 30+ minutes long) video.

Using seconds for greater than one minute (or maybe two) would necessitate a calculator for most, obviating the ‘one click’ keyboard shortcut!

I use the digital time counter to get to precise locations within a broader range.

Btw, it would be a little bit good if we got a option for seconds, frame and the digital time seperately, then ppl could chose on thier own. No problemos on what to calculate or what is comfortable.

Bonjour à tous. Depuis longtemps, j’utilise le code de @namna dans la timeline et les keyframes, en plaçant simplement le code dans ‘TimelineToolbar.qml’ et ‘KeyframesToolbar.qml’.

Malheureusement, la V.22-09-23 a rĂ©Ă©crit une grande partie de l’interface utilisateur pour supporter les nouvelles fonctionnalitĂ©s. Les fichiers TimelineToolbar et KeyframesToolbar ont disparu.

Comme @Jonray et d’autres utilisateurs, je pense qu’il est simple Ă  utiliser et trĂšs utile de l’implĂ©menter dans les fichiers rĂ©Ă©crits, car il rĂ©sout le problĂšme du saut de tĂȘte de lecture pour les images, les secondes et les minutes (Par exemple, si 30fps/s : 1 minute = 3060secondes = 1800, Ă  saisir dans la fenĂȘtre).*

Pas besoin dans ce cas de créer un menu pour choisir les images, les secondes ou les minutes.

J’espĂšre que @brian, @shotcut leader ou un autre contributeur intĂ©grera ce petit outil vraiment utile.


Hello everyone. For a long time I have been using @namna’s code in timeline and keyframes, simply placing the code in ‘TimelineToolbar.qml’ and ‘KeyframesToolbar.qml’.

Unfortunately, V.22-09-23 has rewritten a big portion of the UI to support the new features. TimelineToolbar and KeyframesToolbar files are gone.

Like @Jonray and other users, I think it is simple to use and very useful to implement it in the rewritten files, because it solves the problem of jumping playhead for frames, seconds and minutes (For example, if 30fps/s: 1 minute = 30*60seconds = 1800, to be entered in the window).

No need in this case to create a menu to choose frames, seconds or minutes.

I hope @brian, @shotcut leader or another contributor will integrate this little tool really useful.

Thank you.

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There are already actions and shortcuts to seek by one or several seconds. Use them multiple times for minutes.

This is on my TODO list, but not a high priority.

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What about Ctrl/Alt/Command(whatever)+[Right-Cursor] forward and Ctrl/Alt/Command(whatever)+[Left-Cursor] for a each minute in either direction respectively.

@shotcut @brian. merci d’avoir rĂ©pondu, et de mettre cela sur votre liste TODO.
@shotcut @brian. Thanks for responding, and place it on your TODO list.

Oh wait, I just saw:

So what about [Ctrl]+[Numpad +] for forward and [Ctrl] + [Numpad -] for back 60 seconds ? They would be obvious.

For the next release we are adding a configurable jump shortcut


Fantastic news! Most welcome addition. Thanks @brian, you are the best! :+1:

GĂ©nial. Merci @brian. :+1: J’étais orphelin depuis la disparition de cet outil. :disappointed_relieved:
Plus facile et rapide que d’utiliser les raccourcis plusieurs fois.

Great. Thanks @brian. :+1: I was orphaned since this tool disappeared. :disappointed_relieved:
Easier and faster than using the shortcuts multiple times.