Help with watermark opacity issues

I have a logo which I like to put over my videos way down in the corner. It’s a .png with a transparent background and I put it on the top layer of the project. I set the opacity of the logo to about 40%, plus or minus. The issue I have is that sometimes when there’s nothing going on on the screen the transparency pops up to 100%, which calls attention to the logo - not what I want at all. I thought about putting a black image on the bottom layer of the project so there would always be something below but in the case of this latest project that would require redoing a whole bunch of the clips because of how I’ve set their opacity to work with each other. But is that the best way to do it? For this project I’ve decided to just remove the logo.

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That would be my recommendation. Instead of an image, you can use Open Other > Color

I wonder if you could add a new track and move it to the very bottom of all your tracks. Then, add a color clip to the whole track with the color set to black.

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I tried that, but I got interactions with the logo and the existing clips and bottom track. I suspect I was doing something wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time! It works fine if there’s just one item below the logo, but if there are more than one then apparently there are other considerations which come into play…I think. I guess I need to make a project just for the logo to see how to accomplish this.

EDIT: I ended up running the logo at the beginning and end of the video during some longer clips, where it worked without any problems. Here’s the video:

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