Hi everybody -Bertie here. Just joined and am starting to use Shotcut with my -also-new Gopro. I have shot a few clips with the Gopro, put them into Shotcut to find that the clip runs rather jerkily. I did some colour editing and then exported the file and everything looked fine. So, I’m wondering why the jerky running; is my computer not up to the job with its graphics and RAM?
What you might need to investigate is “Proxy Editing”
This enables you to use a lower resolution video/image while editing and then use the full sized video/image when rendering. This speeds things up while editing.
It would really help people to help you if you listed:
- The speciifications of your computer;
- The operating system you are running on;
- The version of Shotcut you are using.
- the details of the file you are editing (I use mediainfo and cut and paste from the menu item View->Text.
A screenshot of the whole Shotcut window showing in particular the timeline and the filters panel is also useful. See also the suggestions made here:
Many thanks for the help - sorry for the delay; my health is not good and I have to take a break from doing anything
The Shotcut I have is 19-06-15
COMPUTER is Windows 10; 64 bit; 8GB RAM; Intel Graphics -probably not that good; Intel Core processor i5 3570K 3.4GHz; Asus ATX Motherboard
I am using a Gopro 7 Black
If I may ask. Is Shotcut a really good programme - only it’s the first I’ve tried, and is there a way of getting the latest?
Many thanks - Robert Davies (Bertie)
Thanks Paul I’ll check that out. I’m using a Gopro 7 by the way; so I’ll go to YouTube and check proxy editing
In my opinion Shotcut is the best Free Open Source Software video editor there is. It supports lots of video formats, has lots of sophisticated filters and has keyframing, which is an extremely useful feature. Also it has a very active forum, with members who are always willing to help others.
To get the latest version click on the “DOWNLOAD” menu item at the top of the page and it will take you to the download page for the latest version.
Bertie, in addition to the tips here, i have another suggestion if you are up to the tech-task.
On my low-end laptop, i do all my editing with my gopro’s .LRV files.
Then when my project is complete, i open the saved .mlt project file in a text editor and search/replace all .LRV with .MPG, then re-open that file with shotcut to do my exports.
i.e. editing with the .LRV files will be less CPU intensive too for playback in the editor. Since the .LRV are lo-res versions of the .MP4, you can trust they are usable for playback and timing.
Thanks N, but I shall have to investigate what .LRV files are, though in essence I get your meaning.
Thanks Paul, though I shall have to check out Proxy editing, because as a newbie I understand the concept but not the application -well not yet anyhow
I would like to thank all who answered my question.
And yes I seem to be getting on well with SC, and my computer seems to be handling the work. I can now put clips together, insert pics and text and successfully edit the sound and colour. So I’m getting there -but slowly. However, when I look at what others do on YouTube, I realize how sophisticated some videos are.
If any one wants to see my very first attempt on YouTube and is faintly interested in dealing with Chronic fatigue and IBS then please take a look and let me know what you think. It’s entitled Chronic Fatigue and IBS, Dealing with it**. I have done this because this is what has made me ill for the last 30 years. In the future, I plan to do some videos on Classic Motorcycles and cycling Britain’s Canals, because I have been writing about these topics in various national magazines and books for over 20 years…
Best regards Robert ‘Bertie’
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