Glow Filter - Opacity techniques

I’m currently exploring the Glow Filter and experimenting with ways to “tame” it, intensify it, and fade it out to 0%. The Glow’s blur setting doesn’t allow for much nuance and even at 0% will not make it disappear. I’ve had much more success leaving the Glow at 50% and adjusting it’s track opacity over a duplicate dry video track beneath.

I’d like to list my current filter and layering techniques but I’d love to hear some feedback on these techniques from more experienced Shotcut users so as to possibly sharpen these methods (more specifically the glow/opacity method).

First: Levels Filter: lowering the ‘input white’ via keyframes brightens the Glow.

Second: Hue, Lightness, Saturation Filter: playing with the Saturation levels can both brighten the colors of the Glow and remove the colors from the Glow.

Third: Opacity Filter - this is where I layer the video tracks. I’m currently duplicating the video tracks, applying the Opacity and Glow at 50% to the top track, leaving the bottom track dry, and key framing the opacity of top glow track to adjust the intensity of the Glow and/or bring it to 0% (fade out).

In regards to this third Opacity/Glow/double track technique – is there an easier way to achieve this? Is there a way to apply this opacity filter to ONLY the Glow filter without having to double track?

Any feedback is appreciated!

Try the Filter Set named “Glow Intensity”

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This set of filters does exactly what I needed. Thank you for directing me to it.

I have to appreciate that I posted, “looking for ways to intensify the glow filter” and you suggested I try “Glow Intensity”.

To my credit, I didn’t have the latest download and it wasn’t there. I will need to do better keeping up with the downloads.

Thank you!

It is ok. This is a situation where we say there are too many rocks to look under. Remember, a search in Filters searches all categories.
Something I still want to do is include their presets. For example, we have a shake effect as a preset but not a filter!

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