Glaxnimate Mask - Video Preview not loading

Trying to use the mask function on Shotcut and Glaxnimate.
Put 2 video tracks and a video on each track
The on top one I click filter and choose mask glaxnimate draw and click new
Glaxnimate loads but all I see are grey boxes, no preview of the video I want to put a mask on
Any help?

Hi @Aamir2727
1 Mask : Draw (glaxnimate) : OK
2 Click New : OK

3 A ‘New Glaxnimate animation’ window appears.
Choose a folder (the project folder) and enter a name for the Glaxnimate animation (.rawr) you’re about to create.
Click on Save.

4 Glaxnimate opens with the video you’ve chosen.

Hi @SergeC

Thanks but not quite following/not working

When I click new, Glaxnuimate animation opens
But Shotcut already creates the animation as 1.rawr within the project folder
So I don’t need too save anything

Unless I’m doing something wrong?

Once the glaxnimate window appears, I go back to Shotcut and then not sure what else to do, this is what I see when I come back - as you can see the Rawr file already made

If you click on ‘Edit’, what happens?

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As @SergeC said, you have to first initialize the file, close it, go back to the mask in Shotcut and click Edit. Glaxnimate will re-open but with the preview loaded this time

@SergeC @patc3

Clicking edit does nothing :frowning_face:
Same with initialising the file, both closing it and changing screens, going back to mask and clicking edit does nothing as well.

This worked perfectly yesterday
Today for some reason it isn’t working

I can post a video of me trying if that helps

Due to the way this works (shared memory) and a bug in macOS, sometimes you need to reboot the computer in order to get it working again.

That is normal behavior when using a project folder.

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