Fullscreen playback (on editing monitor)

One small feature I really miss is the ability to playback video in fullscreen on the editing monitor. I know it is possible to view the playback in fullscreen on an external monitor, but mostly I like to use my laptop somewhere away from the monitor, which limits me to the small editor window.

I know there’s plenty of stuff on the roadmap, so I’m just writing this so it is possible to vote for this feature, and you guys can see if there is a wider interest in this feature.

A link to the feature investigation: https://forum.shotcut.org/t/fullscreen-playback/180/2

[BTW. on using the external monitor for playback, on most editing systems, you keep the small monitor in the editing window, at the same time as the fullscreen playback on the external monitor, so you don’t have to move your eyes too far for the editing operations, but when previewing you can lean back and enjoy it full size on the external monitor.]


I also strongly agree with this suggestion since it already exists on many other editing software

I agree! I would love to see this feature too! Please Shotcut add this feature!

Please add this feature.

Maybe F11 could toggle full-screen view?


If you have more than 1 monitor:

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Thanks for that. It would be nice if this could be toggled with a keystroke.

@chris319, am I wrong or were you trying to learn how to program for Shotcut? Are you still doing that?

I was trying to fix an issue where the scope graticule wasn’t showing up. Tried a couple of things and was unable to remedy this so gave up.

Come on @chris319


I’m not laughing.

That’s too bad.

I’m glad you find it funny. This is a problem that has eluded both me and Brian.

A scope without a graticule is kind of useless.

I’m not sure how you managed to interpret that well-intentioned and innocuous post as anything other than just encouragement to keep on trying. But hey, you did it.

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Did that resolve itself with the new version of Qt in v19.02.28?

I wish I could say it did, but alas it did not.

you can have almost full screen with alt+6 shortcut, alt+1 to alt+6 will change your overall layout depending on your needs.
(if my response is hard to read, then I am very sorry, English is my second language)

I’m also sorry for such a late response

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