First Project with Shotcut

The problem is that the shotcut is build using the QT GUI toolkit and is using the widgets it contains.
These widget works as they are designed at it is not easy to customize the way they work.
In the more expensive video editors like Vegas, with many full time developers , they can design there own GUI widgets toolkit from scratch and make it work like they want it too.
Shotcut is made by 2 developers in their spare time, so it build on the shoulders of many other open sources libraries, build by other people.

Hallo TimLau,
I see. Can live well without and very much enjoy what Shotcut can do.
And one more small question, (I don’t want to open a new discussion for this right away): Is there anything that can turn an audio mono track into something like a pseudo stereo? In Kdenlive it’s called Stereo enhancer and it works pretty well.
If this isn’t the appropriate place for the question, tell me and I’ll remove it quickly.

Have not tested it, but take a look at the Copy Channel audio filter

Hello TimLau,
the filter copy channel is very important for me, because I record in mono and the right channel is recorded as a safety channel with -20dB. Through this important filter I copy the normally loud left channel to the right.

What I’m looking for is something like this, which gives a fascinating life to the very static mono:

Haas Stereo Enhancer = Apply Haas effect to audio. Note that this makes most senes to apply on mono signals. With this filer applied to mono singals it give some directionalty and stretches its stereo image. (avfilter.haas)

Ok, it is spartial widener, you are looking for, dont think that shotcut has one.
Maybe having the mutiple audio tracks with the same source, with different gain and balance plugins can give that effect.

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