Filters window does not show + to add filters

Hello, I am using Shotcut 24.09.13 on Ubuntu 24.03. I want to add voice over to a section of the video I am working on. The audio is already separated and the timeline for the video and the audio are unlocked. How do I add a voice over just to that section? I used Open Other to choose Pulse, open, choose export as a wav and then click capture. At that point I do not know what to do.



Thanks, that helped. This time the mic appeared. I think I just missed it because the timeline window was not fully expanded, and the mic sits at the end. I added the opus file to the playlist, unlocked the audio track and dragged the opus file to where I needed it to play.

I ran across another issue. After recording and saving the .opus file remained on the screen. So I reopened the file I was working on, checked to see that the opus file was still where I put it, and saved the file. Is this the correct or best procedure, or perhaps the only one.



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