Filter Set | Whip Pan transition

Thanks @dimadjdocent and @jonray

Mine too :sweat_smile:

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OMG! It’s insanely easy! BRAVO! Can we have a left-to-right one, please? :wink:


Much appreciate the effort of these Filter Sets MusicalBox and dimadjdocent. As these potentially increase in number I’ve decided, to keep track of the process of how to correctly add them to a track.

For me (Windows), I now rename them and give them the extension of .xml (that is what the files are anyhow). When they have the extension means that I can then add an XML comment to the file which gives instructions on how to add to the track. Saves me referring back to the forum to see how to do the transition or if I forget.


That is a cool idea @PaulusMaximus !

EDIT: Apologies, when I tried this it didn’t initially work. When I changed the extension to .xml and added the filter set it then added to the transition no problem. I’ve restarted Shotcut and tried to add the filter set to the transition with the comment still in there and the filter won’t add now. I’m not sure why a legitimate xml comment doesn’t work. Sorry for the misguidance.

Putting the comment at the bottom of the .xml file seems to be more reliable.

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Don’t forget, folks, my collection of “whoosh” sounds is still there on my Google Drive for free download. Perfect for whip-pan transitions! :

Here’s my original post:

Here’s a quick demo (same video as above with added whooshes):


Merci @MusicalBox. Cette ancienne transition regagne une vraie jeunesse :muscle::muscle: et devient tellement facile. Une triste pensée pour tous les vieux tutos obsolètes :cry:

Thanks @MusicalBox. This old transition regains a real youth :muscle::muscle: and becomes so easy. A tear for all the old obsolete tutorials :disappointed_relieved:


Thank you, @SergeC ! @bentacular has done one as well… so he’ll be sad… but no doubt pleased how easy this transition can now be made with filter sets.

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Yes, @bentacular has done the first, with an image created in Photoshop. I had done the Gimp version. Let’s all cry together😢


@Jonray From left-to-right, simply invert the Yaw values in the 360:Transform filter (360 and -360).

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You dont really need to add the .xml extension.
You can leave the file as it is (with no extension) and simply add your comments right under
the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> line.
Works for me.


Yes, I played around a bit more and realised the xml extension isn’t required though Notepad++ auto-templates the xml making it a bit more readable.


Thank you @SergeC , I will do that!

I don’t know if that could be possible, but it would be a nice feature if Shotcut could detect
the <!-- COMMENT --> part of the file.
When hovering the mouse on a filter set, the instructions could be displayed in an info bubble.

:roll_eyes: :innocent:


I think I’m missing a step. I’ve been dragging the file in the folder, but I’m not seeing the whip-pan filter set



Did you re-launch SHotcut?

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By the way @bentacular

Why do you have all those sub-folders in the filter-sets folder?
You should only have the filter sets files in there

I added the Sets Archive folder myself by the way. I use it to store the sets I don’t use often.

I did.

I have no idea. Should I just delete them?

I don’t know to be honest. On my computers all those files and folders are located one folder back