Filter Set | Rolled Transition

This Filter Set is directly inspired by the solution proposed by @Namna in the thread :

I found this solution interesting and modified it a bit.
With @Namna ‘s permission, I present it as a filterset, directly on the transition, for a 1 second transition. (For 2 seconds, simply drag the 2nd SPR filter keyframe to the end of the transition).

3 versions: HD 720, FHD 1080 and UHD 2160. Tested with 25, 30 and 60 fps.
Transition Properties: Bar Horizontal Softness 0% - Check ‘Invert Wipe’.

Transition slides from Right to Left. For a Left to Right transition, don’t check ‘Invert Wipe’ in Properties and add a ‘Mirror’ filter above ‘Mask: Apply’.
To coordinate the roll color to the clips, modify ‘Gradient’ filter colors
To look like the rolled page of the thread, select Gradient blend mode: Hard light

Note: For best results, the resolution of clips or images must be the same as the resolution of the project. (In some cases, adding a Size, Position & Rotation filter fixes the problem).

Rolled (3.8 KB)

-How to install this transition effect :
Open Shotcut > Settings > App Data Directory > Show > filter-sets folder
Unzip the archive and drag the selected transition files into this folder. Then, close and restart Shotcut.
(You can also open the file with a notepad, Select all, Copy. In Shotcut, Paste into the filters tab of the selected transition.)


Great work. Congratulations to @SergeC and @Namna . :sunglasses: :clap: :clap:
Works fine on a 1920 x 1080 project. Short demo:

Easy to set up. Thank you!


Thank you @Jonray. Would you believe me if I told you I’d done tests with sheet music to see what happens with a white-and-black page and Gradient-Blend mode-Hard light? :grinning:

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Bonjour vous et merci pour cette transition, excellent travaille de SergeC et Namna. Cordialement.

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That’s great! I will test it myself and no doubt be using it in my music videos! Thank you! :sunglasses: :+1:

C’est super! Je vais le tester moi-même et je l’utiliserai sans doute dans mes clips ! Merci! :sunglasses: :+1:

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