Filter Mask from a file

Excuse my English
Bravo for the very useful improvements of the software
Since version 2209, the filter mask from a file blocks Shotcut. Could having files in the transitions folder be the cause of this problem?
Thank you
Windows 10 64-bits,

Maybe, try renaming the transitions folder and see.

Describe “blocks” more. I find that the filter is slower to load the first time within the app session when there are files in the transition folder. That is expected, naturally. However, it is not blocking Shotcut indefinitely for me.

Thank you for your answer.

However, I don’t know how to rename the Transitions folder. I’m afraid of possible consequences on the functioning of the program.

Shotcut works fine with the custom transitions but not the Mask filter from a file.

In this case it is very slow and I constantly get the message: “Shotcut does not respond” and this even if the filter file is already loaded.

I tested with the latest Beta version but the problem remains.

Windows 10 Home 64 bits

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I have not reproduced the problem. What file are you choosing in Mask: From File? I tried a variety including the stock ones (e.g. bar horizontal and matrix waterfall), custom (PNG and MP4), and some favorite (saved) custom ones. I tried switching between filters and clips with and without the filter. I tried saving the project and reopen it. Need exact steps to do anything more with this. Or maybe someone else can reproduce it and provide more info.

There is no harm in changing the name of the transitions folder to move it out of the way temporarily:

  1. Settings > App Data Directory > Show…
  2. File > Exit
  3. In Explorer, rename transitions
  4. Start Shotcut
  5. test Mask: From File

How many files are in transitions folder?