Filter feature just shows black screen

Whenever I click on the Filter feature the only thing I get is a black pop-up window where the filters are suppose to be. I tried re-downloading the app and it still does not work. I am on the latest version of Mac. The filter feature was working fine before the update as well. Thanks for the help in advance!

We do not know what your previous and current versions are. Nothing changed in this area for the macOS versions 19.04 - 19.07. However, we did upgrade the GUI library in version 19.02. I doubt there is anything we can do because it works for me on my two macs, and unfortunately it is very rare to receive a a fix from an outsider even though it is open source. One thing you can try to do is remove or move your settings file ~/Library/Preferences/com.Meltytech.Shotcut.plist to another location. Maybe some saved window state is causing the problem.

I ended up just reverting back to the previous version of ShotCut and the feature came back.

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