Fade out is buggy

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21.12.24, No idea if 32bit…

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I use the slider at the end of a clip to activate the fade out, to end a clip, but at my current project it love to bug.
2022-01-22 16_57_27-002913
This are the filters, Fade out video/audio, the Audio does work! So the video ends silently, but the movie does continue and then END, instant without getting dark.
I work atm. with 2 videofiles in 1 project, normally I only edit 1 file, so maybe it is a problem with multi edit?

You can see it fades out, but it does not in the video.:
2022-01-22 16_59_35-002914

I also had yesterday the weird bug, that I made a overlapping effect between my clips and all was fine, then I rendered it and the overlapping worked BUT… it added a BIG “INVALID” text on the overlapping effect.

My way to solve it “easy”: Add the video fade out filter manually, then you can continue to use the slider on the clip to adjust it, it seems to bug if it add audio AND video at same time, when you add only the video slider and then grab the button on the clip, it will add the audio filter and adjut it.

You have hidden V1 (the closed eye icon), so if you want to fade to black, you have to unset this setting.
If v1 was not hidden, V2 would fade out and V1 would be shown.
Only set Adjust opacity if you have something visible in the track bellow

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(Ignore this maybe ↓ )
no, look on my screenshot :wink: I work dual on 2 versions of my clip with different Background sounds (see the wavelines). and on the screenshot I worked on V2 so I did hide V1, I did also ONLY fade out V2 :wink: And would then copy the flter over to my V1 clip.

(come to here ↓)
oh wait… I think I got your Point :smiley: I tested it now, when I disable that checkbox it works!
So… this checkbox does happen when you work with multiple videos overlapped?
But when I use the opacity, uhm… where do I adjust it? the checkbox does just not fade out so, if it does NOTHING, for what is the fade out video then good? :smiley:

(I hope you understand me ^_^)

And thanks for your answer, its good to see, that it is not a bug :slight_smile:

The fade out by changing the opacity do only work if there something visible below