Exported Video Skipping Frames

Very simple edit and combining of video files. After exporting, the video skips frames, stutters, and is jittery. I know this because I did a frame-by-frame comparison.

I uploaded them to Youtube for you to view, but not sure if you can tell because of the way YT encodes files.

Other parts of the export are smooth, which seems odd, as it was taken with the same camera in the same conditions.

It’s a mountain bike ride, and is shaky to begin with, but the export makes it worse.

Shotcut Version 22.04.25
Windows 10 Pro 22H2 19045.2728
32 GB RAM, i7-9700 CPU @3Ghz

Original File:Recluse - Original File - YouTube
MPEG-4. ,mp41. Variable Overall Bit Rate Mode, 45.1 Mb/s
AVC, High@L5
2704x1520, 45909 kbps, Total 46040 kbps, 23.98 fps
YUV, 4:2:0, 8 bits, Progressive, 1.18 GiB

Export File:Recluse - Export File - YouTube
MPEG-4, isom (mp41/avc1). Variable Overall Bit Rate Mode, 12.2 Mb/s
AVC, High@L5
2704x1520, constant frame rate mode, 23.976 fps
YUV, 4:2:0, 8 bits, Progressive

Export Settings -
Use Hardware Acceleration, mp4, 2704x1520, 23.976024 fps, Full Color Range, Progressive, YADIF - temporal + spatial (best), Bilinear (good)
libx264 and h264_qsv, Constant Bitrate, 12M b/s, 4000Kib Buffer Size, GOP 24 frames, B frames 3, Codec threads 0
2 channel, 48000 Hz, aac, Average Bitrate 128k (same as original)

You may have to convert both the original files to an edit friendly format (simply selecting a video from the timeline displays the convert button) and then do the export, since they both appear to be variable frame rates and that can sometimes be a problem.

Believe I found the issue.

The option for [Settings] > [Video Mode] was set to 60fps. I switched to 23.98 and it is much smoother.

Very good! Thanks for the update.

I assumed, given the info you included, and especially relating to the snippet above, that you knew about video mode and had that set to the same as your export configuration. Since export settings are usually taken from the video mode unless otherwise manually changed, I figured you had already set that correctly. So I learnt something I already knew today (never assume!).

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I don’t use the program enough to remember that I need to make that adjustment. Wish there was a note or some kind of caution pop-up when the loaded video doesn’t match this setting.

It’s frustrating that there isn’t a Video Mode for 2K, especially 23.98fps. It only shows an option for 1080p or 4K. My GoPro does well at 2K, 24fps and would like to keep it that way.

I posted this in the Made With Shotcut section but if interested, this is the video rendition of what I was working on: Spring Break Spider Mountain Trail Update - YouTube

When you go to use that crescent wrench you have not used in some months you need to adjust it.

some kind of caution pop-up

Continual popups are annoying, and I am not adding them for this.

It’s frustrating that there isn’t a Video Mode for 2K

It’s frustrating that there are so many resolutions, aspect ratios, and frame rates in existence. The latest GoPro supports 8:7 aspect ratio in a variety of combinations resolutions and frame rates. By this logic, there would be a maze of many sub-menus and menu items of video modes. Shotcut supports 2K 23.98 through Automatic or custom video mode.


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Also, in my experience, sometimes users instinctively dismiss a popup without reading it because they become so accustomed to them being annoying.

On the other hand, users failing to set the Video mode properly is one of the most common problems that come up on this forum. I do not know the solution for that. I have thought that maybe there should be two Tiers of “Advanced” export settings. Some advanced settings are not that advanced (like choosing a codec or quality level). Others can have severe and unexpected side effects (like overriding the resolution or frame rate).

Maybe we could tweak some of the export setting labels to make the side effects more obvious. For example, the frame rate setting could say something like “Convert project frame rate of 60fps to 24fps by skipping and repeating frames. This may result in choppy video”. Very wordy, I know. And maybe not worth the effort or complication.

Maybe I will think about this more and propose something someday.

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That’s a very poor analogy as it is a simple tool. If it was something that kept multiple adjustments hidden in the handle that you had to remember to open to use, then maybe so.

As someone who has swapped engines and rebuilt transmissions, a better analogy would be an OBDII code reader. Some are much easier to use than others. Since I don’t have to use it very frequently, I enjoy the Torque app. Free and you can turn the warnings on and off. Some I turn on, others I leave off.

When my wife has used a crescent wrench, she’s had to ask me how to adjust it correctly. I don’t get frustrated or condescending with it because I understand she’s not a frequent user.

Your opinion, which isn’t shared by everyone. A programmer could easily add this as a select option for those that would appreciate it. Unfortunately, I don’t know code although I’ve tried.

I think both of those are fantastic ideas, and like you said, prevent a lot of the common issue postings and questions.

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