Export video as mobile compatible

Hi all,
I’ve managed to edit my music video and am pleased with this, my first project using Shotcut. Of course I have a heck of a lot to learn still. ( Understatement)
Todays problem is; on my mobile phone the video looks wrong, it just sits in the middle of the screen with white borders above and below, looks awful. I know its a resolution problem so I looked it up and started following the tutorials using different aspect ratios.

But here’s my problem; I apparently need to use a filter (rotate and scale) but how do I apply this to multiple clips? I have at least 5 on the timeline, with lots of split clips, different camera shots, fade ins etc. Can I highlight them all and then apply a filter? At the moment the filter option is greyed out so its not happy with doing more than one clip at a time? But doing it individually isnt practical.

If you want to apply the same filter to all the clips on a track, add the filter to the head of the track.

Okay thanks will do. Presumably there is no way to highlight all track heads to do it to all tracks at one go?

If you want to add the filter to all clips on all tracks. Put it on Output instead.

Thanks. I’ll work through this tonight.

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