Export via GPU encoding - poor results!


I have already done some successful steps in shotcut and now try to solve the following problem.

ASUS VivoBook / AMD Ryzen 7 / 20 GB RAM / SSD / AMD Radeon Vega 10 Mob.Gfx.

newest WIN10_64 / current graphics drivers / ShotCut 20.04.12

When I export a project with the software codec “libx264” the results are good, but the render times are long.
My hardware can also render and export with the GPU and the codec “h264_amf”.
The rendering time is much shorter, the generated files very (too) small, but the results are unfortunately not usable.

I exported a video (about 1 minute) with both codecs, all advanced settings were identical, only rendered once without and once with hardware encoder (switch box).
The two pictures (PNG-upload) show the different quality at the same place in the result videos. (Many block artifacts with hardware encoder!)

The analysis of the result videos (TXT-upload) shows:
The software codec “libx264” is given a set of (FFMPEG) parameters.
The bitrate is (at 80 % quality) with 60,1 Mb/s high.

The hardware codec “h264_amf”, however, is not given any additional parameters.
The bit rate is (also at 80% quality) only 2 Mb/s.
This probably leads to poor quality.

What can I change to get good and faster results with hardware encoding?

ClipInfo_Codec_h264_amf.txt (2.7 KB) ClipInfo_Codec_libx264.txt (3.5 KB)

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